Text information

The twenty texts in the Middle Low German component of the CHLG represent a subset of the texts in the Referenzkorpus Mittelniederdeutsch/Niederrheinisch (1200–1650) (ReN).

The aim was for this subset to be as representative as possible with respect to scribal dialect, date and genre, given the historical attestation:


Full text name Text ID Dialect Date Genre Number of words Number of sentence tokens (CHLG-0.9) Number of sentence tokens (CHLG-1.0) Other comments
Abdinghofer Arzneibuch arznei Westphalian (WP) 1451-1500 Science 17,510 1,770 1,759 Pharmacopoeia from Abdinghof monastery, Paderborn
Braunschweiger Urkunden braunschweig Eastphalian (EP) 1301-1500 Charter 2,593 110 110 Collection of charters from Braunschweig
Bremer Urkunden bremen North Low Saxon (NLS) 1300-1350 Charter 1,991 48 48 Collection of charters from Bremen
Buxtehuder Evangeliar buxtehude North Low Saxon (NLS) 1451-1500 Religion 21,223 2,038 2,038 Liturgical book containing passages from the gospels from the town of Buxthude
Duderstadt, Braunschweiger Stadtrecht I duder1 Eastphalian (EP) 1279 Law 2,955 133 133 Details the rights, obligations and privileges of citizens of Braunschweig
Duderstadt, Braunschweiger Stadtrecht 2 duder2 Eastphalian (EP) 1279 Law 3,244 132 132 Details the rights, obligations and privileges of citizens of Braunschweig
Engelhus, Chronica Nova engelhus Eastphalian (EP) 1435 Literature 17,875 1,523 1,521 Details the history of the world through biblical, classical and contemporary times
Flos unde Blankeflos flos East Elbian (EE) 1401-1450 Literature 9,551 1,019 1,020 Adaptation of the Old French romance Floire et Blanchefleur
Greifswalder Bürgersprache greifswald East Elbian (EE) 1451 Law 3,441 148 148 Collection of regulations and instructions of the city council of Greifswald
Griseldis griseldis North Low Saxon (NLS) 1502 Literature 9,801 537 538 Tells the story of the medieval fictional heroine Griseldis, followed by the story of Ancredus (Tancredi)
Herforder Rechtsbuch herford Westphalian (WP) 1375 Law 15,885 830 820 Details the rights, obligations and privileges of citizens of Herford
Oldenburger Urkunden oldenburg North Low Saxon (NLS) 1350-1500 Charter 12,919 231 222 Collection of charters from Oldenburg
Rostocker Bürgersprache rostock East Elbian (EE) 1580 Law 1,233 44 45 Collection of regulations and instructions of the city council of Rostock
Rüthen, Statutarecht ruethen Westphalian (WP) 1300 Law 6,759 265 265 Details the rights, obligations and privileges of citizens of Rüthen
Schweriner Stadtbuch schwerin East Elbian (EE) 1451-1500 Administration 5,342 327 327 Details the legal orders of the city administration of Schwerin
Soest, Schrae im Statutenbuch soest Westphalian (WP) 1367 Law 8,770 262 262 Details the rights, obligations and privileges of citizens of Soest
Spieghel der Leyen spieghel Westphalian (WP) 1444 Religion 24,399 1,433 1,424 Theological lay literature which discusses sin and suffering
Stralsunder Urkunden stralsund East Elbian (EE) 1301-1500 Charter 11,262 314 313 Collection of charters from Stralsund
Agneta Willeken willeken North Low Saxon (NLS) 1535 Private letter 2,406 188 188 Private letter written by Agneta Willeken,
Helmstedt, Zeno zeno Eastphalian (EP) 1401-1450 Literature 8,323 832 827 Tells the story of Saint Zeno of Verona