POS tags
Middle Low German:
Barteld, Fabian, Sarah Ihden, Katharina Dreessen & Ingrid Schröder. 2018. HiNTS: A Tagset for Middle Low German. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/L18-1622.
Koleva, Mariya, Melissa Farasyn, Bart Desmet, Anne Breitbarth & Veronique Hoste. 2017. An Automatic Part-of-speech Tagger for Middle Low German. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 22 (1): 108–141.
Old Saxon:
Walkden, George. 2016. The HeliPaD: a parsed corpus of Old Saxon. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 21(4): 559-571.
Penn corpora: https://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/annotation/index.html
Syntactic annotation
CHLG annotation manual (Hannah Booth & Aaron Ecay)
Further reading:
Booth, Hannah M., Anne Breitbarth, Aaron Ecay & Melissa Farasyn. (submitted). A Penn-style Treebank of Middle Low German.
Randall, Beth. 2003. CorpusSearch 1.1. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.