Morphological properties

Certain items are annotated for morphological properties, as per the following:

  • common and proper nouns, pronouns, modifiers and demonstratives:
    • CASE (nom / acc / dat / gen)
    • GENDER (masc / neut / fem)
    • NUMBER (sg / pl)
  • finite verbs:
    • MOOD (ind / konj)
    • MORPHO-CLASS (weak / strong / preterite-present/irregular)
    • NUMBER (sg / pl)
    • PERSON (1 / 2 / 3)
    • TENSE (pres / past)


Morphological information is encoded in terms of features and values under a META tag:

( (IP-MAT (NP-OB1 (DDARTA (META (CASE akk) ← article annotated for case, gender, number
                                (GENDER fem)
                                (LEMMA dē)
                                (NUMBER sg))
                          (ORTHO De))
                  (NA (META (CASE akk)     ← common noun annotated for case, gender, number
                            (GENDER fem)
                            (LEMMA dȫre)
                            (NUMBER sg))
                      (ORTHO dor)))
          (NP-SBJ (PPER (META (CASE nom)   ← pronoun annotated for case, gender, number
                              (LEMMA sē)
                              (NUMBER pl)
                              (PERSON 3))
                        (ORTHO se)))
          (VVFIN (META (LEMMA upslān)      ← finite verb annotated for mood, morpho-class, number, person, tense
                       (MOOD ind)
                       (MORPHO-CLASS strong)
                       (NUMBER pl)
                       (PERSON 3)
                       (TENSE pres))
                 (ORTHO vpslan)))


Note that this way of encoding morphological information under a META tag differs from the format of the HeliPaD. An alternative version of the Middle Low German component of the CHLG, where morphological properties are encoded following the HeliPaD format, is currently under development.