Syntactic annotation – foreign material

A foreign word has the POS tag FM:

(PP (APPR van)
    (NP (DDARTA den)
        (FM phariseis))  ← foreign word

Note that this is different to other Penn corpora, where foreign material is tagged as FW.

Unlike in other Penn corpora, there is no phrase-level category LATIN which immediately dominates FM. Rather, a word tagged FM can be dominated by any category. There are no restrictions here, even if it results in phrases which are not endocentric taking the POS tags at face value.

Some examples:

            (VVFIN sint)
            (NP-PRD (DDARTA dat)
                    (NA slecte)
                    (NP-POS (FM abrahe)))  ← FM heads NP-POS

(CP-THT (KOUS Wente)
        (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PPER du))
                (NP-PRD (DIARTA en)
                        (FM samaritanus))  ← FM heads NP-PRD
                (VVFIN bist))
(IP-IMP-SPE (NP-VOC (FM lazare))  ← FM heads NP-VOC
            (VVIMP cum)
            (ADVP (AVD hijr))
            (PTKVZ uor)